White Star Running has transformed into Keep Running Rural!
Go to https://keeprunningrural.co.uk/ for all our race info.

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2019 Season

So for 2019 we gave season ticket’s a rest but will still be awarding Black Belts for 6 long races and Rosettes for 6 short races.

Black Belt Qualifying Races
Larmer Marathon or 20m, Ox Frolic or 50m , Invader Double or Moreton Double ,Crafty Fox Marathon & Jurassic Ultra or Marathon

Rosette Qualifying Races
Larmer 10m or Half Marathon, Ox Half Marathon , Invader Half Marathon , Moreton 10m , Crafty Fox Half Marathon & RunJurassic 10k or Half Marathon.

The provisional tables for those who have managed to complete the qualifying number of races (with a Double weekend for Black Belts) can be seen here ahead of the last two to come:

2019 Provisional Black Belts

2019 Provisional Rossette



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