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WSR & BADRAT Runners Interview

White Star Running’s very own Race Director Andy Palmer has been interviewed by BADRAT runners Founders (Bridgwater And District Road And Trail), Bjorn & Nick.
The pair said “Massive thanks to White Star Running ‘s Andy Palmer for joining us to get a collab out there for our members.
It’s been a pleasure to get this written up and to interview a cracking RD, and to have had his support getting BADRAT up and running too. Take a read and get inspired! “

See the interview here: https://www.badrat.club/post/events-whats-the-big-idea?fbclid=IwAR02d-D9R6IjLupKIdV3wHBJQ7OZrIxCPj3Sj_-zN74Bz7na1j7y1y0U42M 



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