White Star Running has transformed into Keep Running Rural!
Go to https://keeprunningrural.co.uk/ for all our race info.

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Clubtrac Assistance

As you know, we are using a new entry system this year, called Clubtrac to enter our events.

There are a couple of things we want to mention to help you with managing your entries.

We suggest you create an account: https://whitestarrunning.clubtrac.co.uk/register

Then you can import your bookings using the reference number in your confirmation email and the pin number.

On Clubtrac log in and then click on your name and my profile, your bookings will appear.

If they aren’t all showing, click the blue Import Booking button and use the information from the stage above to import them.

Blue Import Bookings button

 If you have entered an event directly yourself, you can follow the Race Transfers process to defer or transfer your entry. Please bear in mind that if you try and swap to an event that’s full, you will get put on the waiting list and will effectively lose your place. Do check a race has spaces available before you try to transfer into it. 

If we added you into the race (a deferral from cancelled events), you won’t be able to do these changes yourself and you will need to email us, otherwise you will be charged again for the entry. 


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