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Events update for 2023

We always like to keep you updated with what’s happening in the White Star Running world in regard to future events. We last updated you in August 2022 (see the Facebook video here if you missed it) to explain where we were at and what our plans were for the rest of 2022.

We hope you can agree that it’s been a good couple of months since then – it was amazing at Run Jurassic to finally put on a full weekend of events, and the first two races in the Dark Dash Series (Halloween Trick or Treat and Dark Valley) have had some great feedback. We only have one race left this year, the brand-new Mapperton Muddle, which we’re very excited about – this one might sell out soon, so be quick!   

Now we look towards 2023. We kick off with Dark Moors, the last in the Dark Dash Series for this season, which you can grab a place for now. We also opened entries for our flagship Giants Head Marathon, which sold out and has over 75 people on the waiting list already.

We also have a list of provisional dates for our other races, where we have agreed a date with the landowners. We’re getting two big questions on this:

1. When can I enter?

2. Where is my favourite race?

Okay, so the first one is easiest to answer – we hope to start opening entries for more races early in the new year and we’ll let you know dates asap! This will start with the Larmer Tree races. If you sign up to our newsletter (there’s a box on this page), you’ll hear as soon as entries open, plus we’ll post on our social media channels.

The second answer might be disappointing for some. We’ve been really honest about the fact that the events industry is struggling. We just haven’t bounced back after Covid – and nor has anyone else. Race companies are closing all the time, and we’re doing everything we can not to become a casualty ourselves.

Part of our survival plan means stripping back some races – we’d rather give you the full and proper White Star Running experience at our most-popular and well-attended events, than stretch ourselves too thinly (and unsustainably as a business) across too many races. We’re just not getting the entry numbers we used to for every single race, and we can’t run events at a loss.

Therefore, some events won’t be running in 2023 while we continue to recover and do everything possible to secure a bright future. The Moreton Races will not be held in 2023 and we will also not be holding Run Jurassic. We won’t be reintroducing Dorset Invader or Crafty Fox for the time being either.

We will soon be adding a new date for the Cranborne Races to the upcoming dates very soon, and we are planning on a return of the Dark races next autumn.

Like we said, we are really sorry if this comes as disappointing news and we hope that this update explains why we’ve had to make these decisions.

We do get a lot of very kind questions asking how people can help White Star Running, for which we’re grateful. Your support as our runners is what keeps us going. The cost-of-living crisis impacts everyone and we know races aren’t always going to be top of your priorities, but if you do want to support WSR going forwards, here are some ways what really do make a difference:

  1. If you’re going to enter a race, then earlier is better! We know you might not know your plans, but early entries help us to plan for the right number of runners, order the right number of medals, and reduce cost and waste. It also gives us a chance to offer extra spaces if it’s proving popular. 
  2. If you’re not in a position to enter races right now, sharing our social media posts and letting people know all about WSR is really, really helpful. We’d love to reach more people and spread the WSR word!
  3. Browse our shop – all the sales help to keep our races ago, so do consider us when you’re thinking about Christmas presents this year. We have some ridiculous bargains right now in the autumn sale.
  4. Come and marshal at our races – we’ve been really light on volunteers for the last few races, and we do need a team of volunteer marshals to be able to put on a safe event and to give our runners the full WSR experience. You can register your interest here.

Thank you for listening! And thank you for all your support in 2022, and your continued support in the year ahead.


The WSR Team


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