White Star Running has transformed into Keep Running Rural!
Go to https://keeprunningrural.co.uk/ for all our race info.

white star running logo


We’re getting a LOT of emails at the moment and we’re running with a reduced team. PLEASE help us to help you by checking that your questions haven’t already been answered before emailing in. Otherwise it takes us so much longer to get back to everyone.

A few key points:

RACE PLACES FROM 2020 – if you had a race place for a cancelled event in 2020, we have already automatically transferred you to the same event in the same distance. You don’t need to contact us to do this; it’s done. The same with CAMPING pitches. They have also been carried over.

👉 More info here: https://whitestarrunning.co.uk/2020-race-places/

UPCOMING RACES – we know you want news. We really do. But we can’t tell you anything until we have got all the information we need and have a plan in place. There is due to be a relevant announcement on 22nd March that will guide us, and then we will let you know about Ox races and Moreton races and any necessary changes.

👉 More info here: https://whitestarrunning.co.uk/races-in-2021/

CHANGES TO ENTERED RACES – if you can’t makes the new dates, we do have options for you. You can transfer your place to another runner, or the next person on the waiting list, or defer it, or move it to a different event (depending on availability). A lot of this can be done online yourself, so do check first. 👉 More info here: https://whitestarrunning.co.uk/race-transfers/

WHAT ON EARTH HAVE I ENTERED? – if you can’t remember what races/camping/distances you’re signed up to, you can go to the Full On Sport website, log in and check under My Entries. Instructions for how to do this is on our FAQ page, along with lots of other useful info.


If none of this helps, then by all means do email us. Just please bear in mind that our response time is longer than under usual circumstances, and for a vast majority of our emails, it would be quicker to follow the instructions above. Thank you as always for your patience and understanding.


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