White Star Running has transformed into Keep Running Rural!
Go to https://keeprunningrural.co.uk/ for all our race info.

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Night Race Announcement

An update on the Dark Dash Series- including Dark Valley, Run DMC & Dark Moors events.

We always try to be upfront and honest with you at the earliest opportunity we can, especially during this difficult year. As lots of you know we have been in constant contact with event partners & landowners with an input into our events over the last few months and have had a meeting to discuss the Dark Dash Series of events this week.

We know that easing of lockdown restrictions have been taking place up until late but this ever-changing situation is a challenge that is constantly evolving & no one knows what’s around the corner.

The current situation is that Dark Valley races scheduled on the 7th November and the new Run DMC races scheduled for 19th  December will not take place unless current conditions change before the beginning of October.

We are cautious to make a decision for the Dark Moors races currently scheduled for .23rd January 2021 until nearer the time.

So what does this mean for you? currently entry for all 3 events is suspended until we have some certainty to give you. If you already have a place for any of the races your options are listed below:

  1. Do nothing and your place will automatically be transferred to the same race in 2021
  2. Use your place to enter our new Trick or Treatathon virtual Halloween event by emailing [email protected]
  3. Defer your entry into another race of your choosing in 2021 by emailing your request to [email protected]
  4. Complete the race you have entered virtually to claim the current medal by emailing [email protected] to request this.

We do not make these decisions lightly and are disappointed that we may not be keeping running rural again in 2020. With restrictions beyond our control to enable us to bring you a safe environment to enjoy trail running as it should be, we are being cautious for everyone’s health and safety.

We will keep you updated should circumstances change over the next few weeks but wanted to be clear for those making plans for their winter running.


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