Post-deadline illness and injury policy 2023

Before we kick off our 2023 race season at the Larmer Tree races in March, we wanted to update you on our policy regarding your options after our transfer deadlines for races.

In 2021, we had to put into place Covid guidance and restrictions, some of which we carried over to the 2022 race season. Covid is here to stay for the long term, and now many other illnesses, such as the flu, are also in higher circulation than normal. We introduced some different ways of operating in the last couple of years and are planning to keep some of those key adaptations to continue to operate safe events. For example, we now do dynamic bib assignment at number pick-up to reduce queuing times.

For each race, we have a set transfer deadline, up until which time you can defer or transfer your race place easily. You can see the deadline date for each event on the event page of the White Star Running website. We can’t accept late transfers or deferrals after these dates. You can find out more about transfers/deferrals here.

In 2022, we stated that if you were to test positive for Covid or needed to isolate after the transfer deadline, then you could complete the race you had entered virtually and we would send you your medals and goodies. Many of you took us up on this offer – not just for Covid reasons, but for other illnesses and injuries too. This was a new option from us so that you didn’t simply lose your race entry and get nothing for it. However, we had more people taking us up on this offer than we anticipated, and the cost of posting out the medals after the race has meant that we have had to make some changes to our policy.

For the 2023 race season, if you can’t make an event due to illness or injury after the transfer deadline has passed, you can still request to complete the event virtually in your own time to earn your medal. However, you will be asked to cover the cost of postage to receive your medal/goodies, unless you know someone else who is going to the race who can pick it up for you from the Admin team. We don’t ask for proof that you’re ill or injured, and we don’t ask for proof that you complete the distance. We just want to give you the option to receive the medal for the missed event, rather than miss out. If you wish to take up this option, you must email us at [email protected] as soon as you can when you know you’re not going to make the event. You have until the evening after your missed race to let us know.

We hope you feel that this is a fair policy for our events going forwards. We know that a lot can happen in the weeks between the transfer deadline and the race date, and we don’t want you turning up poorly to our events. Thank you for your understanding.


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