White Star Running has transformed into Keep Running Rural!
Go to https://keeprunningrural.co.uk/ for all our race info.

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Wyvern Series 2019

So last year we trialled an idea similar to the Imperial series called the Wyvern series

So the idea was simple

Enter and finish 3 races, either in short distances so half marathon or so and long distance, marathons

Get an extra medal and momento muff

Plus there were prizes for first team male and female in each distance and overall prizes

Response was good people liked the idea so we are doing it all again next year

Starting with the Larmer 10 and Marathon, then the Moreton 10 and Moreton Marathon and finishing with the Crafty Fox half and marathon

All you have to do to qualify is finish all the short or all the long distances

To win scores are based on position in the races 1 point for first 2 for second and so on

Lowest amount of points wins simple eh? Prizes are bespoke with the winners name and club on

Enter the races here www.whitestarrunning.co.uk


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